We're here to take your call Monday - Friday 10am - 5pm | CONTACT US
OFFICE Office: 01296 323000 | MOB 07542 131400 | EMAIL [email protected]
Location: Wendover Heights Vets Equine Centre, Wendover, Bucks
Wendover Heights Vets Equine Centre, Wendover, Bucks
Price: £175.00 per dog
We take puppies from 1 week after their first vaccination and we disinfect the floor, so you don't need to wait until your puppy is fully vaccinated before starting our classes. We also recommend that you carry your puppy from the car to the venue and vice versa after classes until your puppy is fully vaccinated.
Our Puppy Foundation course is our entry level class for puppies 8 - 16 weeks old at start of the course and that have had their first vaccination. (If your puppy is over 16 weeks old, please contact us to disucss your options). All classes, unless otherwise stated, run for 6 sessions with 1 week's break after week 3. Note: Courses starting on Thursday 27th February will run for 6 consecutive weeks. Once all puppies on the course are fully vaccinated (from week 4 onwards) if the weather is suitable, some of the exercises might be carried out outside.
We can allow a maximum of 3 owners per dog
The socialisation period is critcially important for the behavioural health of our dogs and this class is designed to capitilise on what remains of this key develpomental period and provide the foundations of the core training skills. If your dog meets the age criteria for this class, then we highly recommend this as the best class to start your puppy's journey.
All our puppy classes centre around positive training for puppies and young dogs.
In Nick's Puppy Foundation classes your puppy will make new friends and develop self-confidence as puppy builds lifelong social skills. Watch your puppy demonstrate new behaviours and flourish in a stimulating environment while having a whole lot of fun!
Our Puppy Foundation class includes:-
Recommended by Vets and fully insured and supported by glowing testimonials.
"Excellent class. Nick understands the different breeds of dogs and their different characteristics. Very friendly, fun, professional, willing to help with other issues. We feel we have been trained to train Chloe - in practical simple steps. Now it is down to us!" Naomi and Chloe
In addition to the Foundation class, we offer a range of support options including a 1-to-1 home puppy visit if you don't have time for the whole class or you prefer 1-1 training.
Nick also offers a Puppy SOS telephone service for when you just need advice from experts.
If we do not have a Puppy class in your area, please check out our online services.
If you've got any questions, don't hesitate to contact Wendy, our Client Manager on 01296 323000 or email her at [email protected].
*Please note: By agreeing to our Terms and Conditions, you agree that should further Covid restrictions be implemented locally or nationally or any other unforeseen cirumstance that prevents us from holding in-person classes, for example; your instructor is isolating or it is deemed to be unsafe for any other reason, for example: extreme temperatures, lightning and other extreme weather events, we will provide the class live and online using Zoom.
Early socialisation is incredibly important for puppies to stand the best chance of developing into a well-rounded dog and because this window of opportunity is very small, Puppy Stars are happy to take puppies 1 week after their first injection.
This may be contrary to what you have been told by your Vet. "However, Veterinarians specialising in behaviour recommend that owners take advantage of every safe opportunity to expose young puppies to the great variety of stimuli that they will experience in their lives. Enrolling in puppy classes prior to three months of age can be an excellent means of improving training, strengthening the human-animal bond, and socialising puppies in an environment where risk of illness can be minimised." AVSAB.
At Puppy Stars we will take all reasonable precautions and disinfect the training area with a Veterinary disinfectant before the class starts each week, until every puppy is fully vaccinated. We have been doing this for 10 years at Wendover Heights Vets Equine Centre and have never had an issue.
To minimise any potential risk even further, we would encourage you to carry your puppy from your car to the training venue until your puppy is fully vaccinated.
However the final decision must be yours.
Please do not bring a puppy to class that is unwell.
Note: Except by prior arrangement, your contract with Puppy Stars Ltd is to provide dog training in the form of classes and workshops.
Puppy Stars' Trainers are free to work with you on a 1-1 basis and unless by prior arrangement, do so as independent consultants and not as representatives of Puppy Stars Ltd.
If you work directly with the trainer and not Puppy Stars Ltd, your trainer will be responsible for all correspondence and financial transactions.
Mid Term Break
The Wendover Heights classes will have a 1 week break after week 3, please consider this when booking.
Please do not park in the practice car park at Wendover Heights. There is a large car park at the rear of the Hydro Therapy Unit. The car park can be accessed by passing through the gate at the side of the Pet Stop shop, drive down the slope and continue past the Hydro Therapy unit.
As a working practice, very occasionally it is necessary to cancel the class at late notice for medical emergencies. If this does happen we will attempt to contact you and inform you of the revised arrangements.