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Online Zoom Behaviour Consult Package with Nick - CAB


Online Zoom Behaviour Consult Package with Nick - CAB

With the wonders of modern technology we are able to provide remote consultations and training throughout the UK and have had clients from across the world. The advantages of using...
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Price: £400.00

With the wonders of modern technology we are able to provide remote consultations and training throughout the UK and have had clients from across the world.

The advantages of using technology for consultations are many:
  • Nick can work with you even if you are unwell (eg if you have Covid etc).
  • Nick will be with you live in front of you, just as he would be if he came to your home.
  • Nick can work with you even if we do not live near each other.
  • It will save you time and money (no travel cost).
  • It will be much more convenient for you.
  • It can be much less stressful for you and your dog. 
  • Follow-up consults can be much simpler to arrange.
  • You will be supported with video and a written plan.
This technology works well with behaviour problems such as Separation Anxiety, Resource Guarding, Aggression Towards People, House Training, Muzzle Training, Puppy Problems and session follow-ups to name but a few. 

At times we can find our dog's behaviour puzzling or troublesome, this can have a huge impact on our lives, the lives of the family and even society as a whole.  A behavioural consultation will help you to understand your dog's behaviour and provide you with the information and practical skills to modify the undesirable behaviour. (See below for a list of common behaviour problems)

Depending on the issue, a Veterinary referral may be required prior to starting. This is to ensure that medical factors that could be affecting the problem are known and can be treated appropriately. It may be the case that the problem does not have a behavioural component and is entirely caused by medical reasons and therefore can be treated by your vet. We will happily liaise directly with your Vet to ensure they are kept informed and, where necessary, are part of the behaviour treatment and modification process.
Your online Zoom behaviour consult package includes:-
  • Up to 2.5 hours Initial Consult via Zoom 1-1 via Zoom with Nick.
  • 1-Hour Follow-Up 1-1 with Nick via Zoom (approx 2 - 6 weeks after the initial consult).
  • During the consult Nick will gather further information and behavioural history, answer any questions you may have regarding the problem behaviour and demonstrate your dog's individual behaviour change plan.
  • A copy of your dog's behaviour change plan for you to follow after the consult.
  • Where required, a written overview of the behaviour change plan sent directly to your for your vet.
  • ​Liaison with your vet where required.
  • Any additional handouts, supplied during or after the consultation and advice for any equipment required.
  • Receipt for insurance claims and/or assist completion of insurance claim form, if applicable
  • Up to 3 months of distance support via phone/email/WhatsApp
As an accredited behaviourist, the techniques Nick will use to change your dog's behaviour are based on a scientific understanding of animal behaviour while utilising positive reinforcement based training methods. Changing a dog's behaviour will take time, but we will work together to find the most practical way to fit this into your life and achieve the best possible outcome.

Nick will only work with a small number of clients at a time to ensure we can provide you with an excellent service. He is proud to be recognised for achieving positive outcomes for both pet and owner.

Many behaviour problems can be worked on remotely using modern technology and so we are able to work with clients and accept referrals from veterinary practices nationwide. 

Common behaviour problems include:

House soiling and indoor urine marking
Aggression towards dogs and/or people
Rehabilitation of rescue dogs
Handling problems when being groomed or during veterinary examination
General anxiety
Barking at home, on walks or in the car
Food or object guarding
Chasing problems
Separation-related anxiety (for true Separation Anxiety, we recommend a Separation Anxiety Specialist)
Noise phobias and sound sensitivity

£400.00 (during the day, during the week).

Please click on this button, if you want to proceed:-

 Or contact Wendy, our Client Manager at the office at [email protected] or Tel: 01296 323000 Mob: 07542 131400.


I was searching for a behaviourist to use for my lurcher while waiting on a vet behaviourist appointment a few months later. My dog is a very anxious dog, he's scared of many things in life including the car and as such travelling to a behaviourist for an assessment in their outside space (which he is also scared of!) was problematic. I contacted Puppy Stars about their zoom consultations and after a phone conversation with Wendy they agreed to help in the interim.

I had a great consultation with Nick, we were on the same page about issues and potential solutions to help Dexter become more confident. Nick communicated with my vets which helped us to transition over to medication which has made the world of difference working on some of his problems. I received a detailed report on the issues and on the plan we were to start working on.

I would recommend Nick and Puppy Stars to anybody who needs behavioural support with their dog.
Zoe and Dexter
Hi Nick, I am so pleased I agreed to do “zoom” it was absolutely marvellous, especially with the added bonus of a video you can keep watching over and over again. Thank you so much for helping with Feather I will try my best to put your training suggestions to good use.
Maggie and Feather

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