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1-Hour Behaviour Advice Zoom Call with Nick - CAB


1-Hour Behaviour Advice Zoom Call with Nick - CAB

At times we can find our dog's behaviour puzzling or troublesome and sometimes all we want is some advice to understand our dogs behaviour better or discuss with a professional what can be...
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Price: £90.00

At times we can find our dog's behaviour puzzling or troublesome and sometimes all we want is some advice to understand our dogs behaviour better or discuss with a professional what can be done to help. In which case this may be the best option for you.

As a Clinical Animal Behaviourist, the techniques Nick uses and the advice provided to change a dog's behaviour will be ethical, compasionate and based on a scientific understanding of animal behaviour while utilising positive reinforcement based training methods.

Changing a dog's behaviour will take time, but we will discuss options to achieve the best possible outcome for all.

If we use Zoom, we can record the session and this will be available to view after the live session. This is an ideal solution if all family members cannot be present or you just want to take less notes.

Common behaviour problems include:

House soiling and indoor urine marking
Aggression towards dogs and/or people
Rehabilitation of rescue dogs
Handling problems when being groomed or during veterinary examination
General anxiety
Barking at home, on walks or in the car
Food or object guarding
Chasing problems
Separation-related anxiety (for true Separation Anxiety, we recommend a Separation Anxiety Specialist)
Noise phobias and sound sensitivity

Need more information or want to book a consult? Please contact Wendy at the office at [email protected] or Tel: 01296 323000 / Mob: 07542 131400.




Thanks for all your really helpful advice and for fitting me in so quickly :)
Rachel and Milo
I was really struggling with my dogs behaviour and went to the vet for advice. The vet recommended Nick and I phoned them straight away for some emergency advice and thankfully Wendy was able to organise my online appointment with Nick really quickly and Nick gave me really good solid advice that not only was very reassuring for me, it’s also been very helpful and I now know that I’m doing the right thing and I can already see huge improvements in my dogs behaviour. Thanks Nick (and Wendy).
I had a 1 -1 one hour advice session over Zoom, regarding my concerns of reactiveness with my Puppy. Nick was very reassuring, had such a comprehensive knowledge of what would maybe work along with what I'd been doing or would maybe work better using something another way. Through Zoom he was able to see my dog in his own environment. Nick also gave advice on things we could do as an ongoing addition to the training we are already doing but not to blind the dog with so much traing commands at once and a few10 minute sessions through the day so not to confuse our pup, even if he was willing to learn, time and patience was the essence. So far so good when he's being walked, he walks to heel, when he sees one of his dog friends his 50 foot lead is extended with recall improving every time. We also hold him back to heel for a few minutes and chat to owner so giving our pup a chance to observe this person that's talking and laughing, and five days later pup has gone up to the owner and had a sniff around AND taken a treat from him. Then run off behind his dad again. But its progress in the right direction. Thanks again Nick for your time and the valued information you gave us, so we can work on our pup to turn his reactive behaviour around and show him that these funny talking beings with two legs are actually good people and he can trust in them too. If we were to need to, we would contact Nick for his services in the first instance because he is so good at what he does.

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