Expert advice from Nick exactly when you need it. Our Puppy SOS service is ideal for puppy owners who need advice or clarification on a training, temperament or behaviour issue. This service is... [ Read more ]
Expert advice from Nick exactly when you need it. Our Puppy SOS service is ideal for puppy owners who need advice or clarification on a training, temperament or behaviour issue. This service is... [ Read more ]
Expert advice from Nick exactly when you need it. Our Puppy SOS service is ideal for puppy owners who need advice or clarification on a training, temperament or behaviour issue. This service is specifically for young puppies up to the age of 6-months. House training not going to plan? Barking driving you mad? Is your puppy slowly chewing their way through your home? Only £45.00 per 30-minute Zoom call or £80.00 for 1-Hour. For more details and to book your appointment with Nick, please email Wendy our Client Manager at the office at [email protected], or call her during office hours on 01296 323000.
Rating: Thanks so much Nick for the very reassuring advice when I REALLY needed it! Thanks also to Wendy for getting my zoom appointment booked in so quickly and for being so supportive too. Anonymous
Rating: I desperately needed some professional advice with my new puppy, Otto as I wasn't sure if there was something wrong with him or not. Nick answered all my questions thoroughly and calmly and it turned out that Otto was being a perfectly normal puppy, but it was very reassuring to hear this from a professional and now knowing that this stage won't last for ever is even more reassuring! I will be recommending you to my friends for sure, thanks again. Emma and Otto
Rating: Thanks Nick, that was really helpful and just what I needed. There's so much conflicting advice out there, I was getting in a pickle!
Very helpful and practical advice :-) Shelley