We're here to take your call Monday - Friday 10am - 5pm | CONTACT US
OFFICE Office: 01296 323000 | MOB 07542 131400 | EMAIL [email protected]
Price: £175.00
Get off to a positive start with a private Puppy Home Visit with Nick.
During this 2-hour visit, Nick will demonstrate the full Puppy Foundation training syllabus as well as skills and techniques for socialising and handling your puppy. There will plenty of opportunity to have any questions you may have answered and Nick will be happy to discuss all things puppy with you (house-training, puppy biting, puppy's first nights,confidence building, socialisation etc).
Alternatively, if you have a specific puppy issue or issues that you want Nick to help you with and want to work on, that's fine too and Nick will be happy work on your priorities and will tailor the 2-hour 1-1 session to cover what you want to cover. The 2-hours is your to use as you would like and Nick will be happy to answer any questions you might have too.
You will also receive a Free Puppy Stars Treat Pouch (worth £20.00) and extensive support materials and videos of the exercises afterwards by email.
NOTE: If you book both the Puppy 1-1 Home Visit and Nick's 6-Week Puppy Foundation or Intermediate Course, we offer a Package Deal for £300.00, making a total saving of £50.00 and we won't charge you travel costs (if you are within 25-miles from Winslow). You just need to decide whether you would like the grey or purple treat pouch and Nick will bring this with him to your 1-1 Home Puppy Visit.
Scientific studies have shown that early socialisation and puppy training are the overriding factors in a dogs learning and behavioural future. What and how you teach your dog now will help determine its temperament when older and avoid common dog behaviour problems.
If more people consulted dog trainers before getting a puppy or immediately after acquiring one, the world would certainly be a much better place for dogs and their human companions. Nick has the knowledge and skills to help prevent the development of behaviour, temperament and training problems. Sadly, some owners wait until their dog is six months to two years old before consulting a trainer and by then, most problems are much more time consuming, difficult and sometimes dangerous to resolve.
Visit Length: 1.5 - 2 hours
To book your 1-1 Puppy Visit please call us today or email Wendy at the office at [email protected] - many thanks.
Depending on your location, there might be additional travel costs for this service.